Yokoyama High School (横山高校)
Yokoyama High School (横山高校)
The first school that Kotesashi competes with in the regional tournament during their first year. They face the same school again in their second year.
Yokoyama makes their first appearance in chapter 37 where only the coach and ace pitcher shared the same face. It was created as a gag starring the then-editor, Nakaji-san. In the second year match, the entire team shared the same faces, citing fresh blood from the first-year new members.
Among the fans, it is also known as the Copy-Paste High School (コピペ高校).
Coach: Kanji (監路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 37
Touji (投路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 37
- Position: Pitcher (ace)
Ichiji (一路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: First baseman
Hoji (捕路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Catcher
Nakaji (中路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Center fielder
Saji (左路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Left fielder
Sanji (三路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Third baseman
Seconji (セカン路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Second baseman
Uji (右路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Right fielder
Yuuji (游路)

- First Appearance: Chapter 107
- Position: Shortstop