Manga Summaries
The purpose of this section is to provide summaries of the Japanese chapters so that non-Japanese readers would be able to follow the new chapters as they are published. Ideally, the latest chapter summary will be posted within the week after the new chapter is made available on Jump+ at Thursday midnight JST.
Please understand that these summaries are not meant to be translation scripts and is a best effort to provide a reasonable idea of what happened in the chapter. It is recommended to be read along with the manga chapter for proper context.
Older chapters will be posted as time permits. The idea is to post the chapter summaries in reverse order, by story arcs, starting from the latest chapter down to the first. I’m currently handling the Kotesashi vs Yokoyama match as an arc, so I’ll be posting summaries starting from chapters 107 until it wraps up in chapters 110.
Update (Jan 11, 2025): Real-life responsibilities can’t seem to end as new things keep popping up one after the other. My priority is summarizing the new chapters for the time being and I will work on the older chapters when I am able to!